An Apple A Day...
We have all heard the old expression that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and it is probably something your parents told you frequently as a child! You may have disregarded this saying as just another trick that adults used to get you to eat healthy foods, but could there actually be some serious weight to this idea?
Best Chest Exercises
Building up the muscles in the chest is a common goal in the gym for many men. The strong, curved shape that inevitably comes with a serious chest routine is one that is deemed to be desirable for many men.
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The Effects of Alcohol
Drinking alcohol has long been a part of our culture of socialising, and is also widely enjoyed during celebrations to mark significant events in our lives, such as weddings and birthdays. Although drinking alcohol can be a great way to relax, socialise and to celebrate, the effect that it has on the body over time should not be ignored.
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Arthritis and Obesity
We all know that being overweight is a fast-track way to developing many adverse health conditions. We are frequently told by the media that one of the best ways to stay healthy as we age is to avoid piling on the pounds, and to work to lose any excess weight that we may be carrying. This is certainly the case when it comes to arthritis, and those at the heavier end of the scale run a heightened risk of developing this condition.
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Citrus Fruits for Optimum Health
The many potential health benefits of consuming citrus fruits regularly are not to be ignored! There are many fruits within this category, meaning there is bound to be one or many more that you enjoy the taste and texture of. This type of fruit is commonly used to make juice as well as being enjoyed whole!