Swimming for Optimum Health

Swimming is a popular activity that people partake in both for fun and for exercise when they are increasing or maintaining their fitness. It is most likely something that you learnt to do at school during your younger years, but this isn't the case for everyone!
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Understanding and Avoiding Runners Knee

Chondromalacia patellae is a condition often referred to as “runner’s knee”. This is where the cartilage located just on the underside of the kneecap (or patella) has deteriorated due to overuse or misalignment, causing strain on the joint. The knee joint feels as though it is grinding when in use. A big problem with developing this condition is that it causes pain that cannot be relieved through rest alone.
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Yoga and Osteoporosis

Finding ways to care for yourself and your body as you age is essential if you are to remain as happy and healthy as you possibly can in your later years!
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Squats: Good or Bad?

In the world of working out, the squat exercise is often hailed as one of the simplest ways to burn fat and improve muscle. As it uses some of the strongest muscles in the body, it is often recommended as a good way to get in shape. However, many people may have read that squats can be damaging to joints such as the knees and hips, and are afraid to try them out in case of injury. The best way to evaluate this particular exercise is to examine what it actually entails and what its effects could be on different types of physiques.
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Pilates for a Healthier Body

For those people who understand that they need to protect their bodies in various ways as they age, in order to preserve optimum health for as long as possible, discovering new exercise and fitness options is always great and welcome news. Hitting the gym is a popular option when it comes to keeping fit, as is running, cycling, yoga and team sports, such as football and rugby. If you partake in any of these activities then you will inevitably be doing your body a great deal of good. Pilates is one activity that you may not yet know the amazing benefits of that could really boost your health and fitness efforts.
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How to Avoid Injury in the Gym

Going to the gym and exercising regularly is one of the best ways to protect your body as you age. As you build your muscles and strengthen your bones, you will be much better equipped to deal with accidents and injuries, should they occur. However, the potential to injure yourself in the gym also of course exists!
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Running or Cycling for Bone Health?

Researchers have recently been exploring the impact of both running and cycling on long-term bone health in order to determine which is more effective. The results seem to suggest that exercise that puts a greater strain on the bones, such as running, is more likely to be effective in preserving the long-term health of the bones. Cycling, on the other hand, is a non-weight bearing exercise and therefore does not have the same benefits to the bones as running.
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The Science of Muscle Growth

Increased muscle mass is one of the most common reasons people exercise, alongside weight loss efforts and general fitness goals. Losing fat and gaining muscle is a usual expectation of those who work out regularly, but how many people actually understand how this process works? Understanding the science behind muscle growth can help you to establish a much more comprehensive understanding of how your body works in general. This can motivate you to stick to your workout regime as you are less likely to be disappointed by what you perceive to be slow results. It takes time to build your body up and the following article aims to help you develop your knowledge of this concept.

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The Power of the Plank

As exercises go the plank packs some pretty serious fitness benefits. Although it looks simple, it is actually quite difficult to hold this pose for an extended amount of time. However, the benefits of doing so daily are not to be overlooked!
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Yoga and Stress

If you have been following our blog for a while then you will know that we are enthusiastic about promoting yoga as a great way to protect the body and relax the mind. If you are stressed out mentally then this stress can soon manifest as physical problems in your body. Regular yoga practice has been shown to relieve stress and promote a sense of calm. Not only can it help with stress but it also works to lower blood pressure, alleviate pain and can also boost feelings of happiness as it helps to combat depression and anxiety.
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