Citrus Fruits for Optimum Health

The many potential health benefits of consuming citrus fruits regularly are not to be ignored! There are many fruits within this category, meaning there is bound to be one or many more that you enjoy the taste and texture of. This type of fruit is commonly used to make juice as well as being enjoyed whole!

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Conventional Cancer Treatments

Cancer can be a difficult condition to manage, especially if it is not diagnosed early. If this is an illness that you develop at any stage in your life, then it can be very helpful to be aware of the treatment options available to you.
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A Closer Look at Cancer: Causes and Prevention

Cancer is a serious health concern that can strike anyone at any age. Although it is possible to manage the presence of cancer, it can also often be a terminal disease. Being aware of certain factors that can contribute to a heightened risk of cancer is a good idea, and something everyone should take note of! 
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Is Coffee Good For You?

Some people will like to tell you that drinking coffee, especially drinking too much coffee, is bad for your health. Throughout the last few years there have been various pieces of research to support this claim. However, there is also plentiful evidence to suggest that regularly drinking coffee is good for you and with this article I am going to explain why!

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How to Stay Healthy with a Desk Job

It has frequently been said that sitting down is the smoking of our generation. Long periods of inactivity can be extremely bad for our health and working to avoid falling into this routine is essential if we are to keep ourselves as healthy as we can! 
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One Specific MicroRNA Appears To Promote Tumor Growth And Cancer Spread

Researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center have determined that the overexpression of microRNA-155 (miR-155), a short, single strand of ribonucleic acid encoded by the miR-155 host gene, promotes the growth of blood vessels in tumors, tumor inflammation, and metastasis. As a therapeutic target, miR-155 could potentially provide a new avenue of treatment when targeted with drugs to suppress its activity...

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Spinal Cancer: Guidelines For Diagnosis Unsupported In Patients With Lower Back Pain

A new systematic review published in The Cochrane Library has raised doubts as to the effectiveness of "red flag" indicators at both identifying and excluding cancer in patients with lower back pain. The authors of the review concluded that most individual red flags were poor at diagnosing spinal malignancies and call for further studies focused on combinations of red flags...

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