Cycling Safely on the Road Onto Orthopedics

Cycle Safety on the Roads

Cycling Safely on the Road Onto Orthopedics

Cycling is an incredible way to stay fit, as well as to save money on public transport and have fun getting where you need to go! Although riding your bike can be a relaxing leisure activity, this isn’t always the case, and there are some very important safety measures that should be always kept in mind.
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Running or Cycling for Bone Health?

Researchers have recently been exploring the impact of both running and cycling on long-term bone health in order to determine which is more effective. The results seem to suggest that exercise that puts a greater strain on the bones, such as running, is more likely to be effective in preserving the long-term health of the bones. Cycling, on the other hand, is a non-weight bearing exercise and therefore does not have the same benefits to the bones as running.
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How to Stay Healthy with a Desk Job

It has frequently been said that sitting down is the smoking of our generation. Long periods of inactivity can be extremely bad for our health and working to avoid falling into this routine is essential if we are to keep ourselves as healthy as we can! 
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Gym Free Ways Exercise Healthy

Gym Free Ways to Exercise

Gym Free Ways Exercise Healthy

Back in September we wrote a blog post entitled Exercise Without The Gym which aimed to help you get fit without ever having to set foot in a gym! Today we are going to expand on this concept to bring some fresh ideas to those who wish to work out at home or in public spaces, such as fields and parks.
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