Should You Supplement?

There is much debate over whether it is necessary or not to supplement your diet with additional vitamins and minerals. Some health experts will tell you that store-bought supplements are a great way to ensure you meet your nutritional needs, whereas others have suggested that this is not necessary when you lead a balanced and healthy life.

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How to Stay Healthy at Christmas

Christmas is the one time of year when perhaps we can all be forgiven for a bit of over-indulgence. However, come January you may not be thanking yourself for having given up on your diet and exercise regime. With so much temptation all around you, in the form of after-work party drinks and sugary snacks being offered throughout the day, you can begin to feel as though your will-power is really being tested! There is nothing wrong with treating yourself as you celebrate the festivities, but those extra calories and the stress of additional responsibilities can soon add up! 
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eating for optimum bone health onto orthopedics

Eating for Optimum Bone Health

eating for optimum bone health onto orthopedics

If you check in with our blog regularly then you will know that we are always keen to share information regarding ways to promote and improve the health of your bones. Today we would like to take some time to talk about things that can be of detriment to your bones, more particularly the food and drink that you are likely consuming!

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How to Avoid Injury in the Gym

Going to the gym and exercising regularly is one of the best ways to protect your body as you age. As you build your muscles and strengthen your bones, you will be much better equipped to deal with accidents and injuries, should they occur. However, the potential to injure yourself in the gym also of course exists!
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Why You Should Be Bananas for Bananas!


Bananas are thought to be the favourite fresh fruit of the American people and with the abundance of goodness they contain, this is great for the health of the country! Bananas provide the body with numerous vitamins and minerals, and also there is also a serious dose of fibre in each one! Fiber is essential, not only for positive intestinal health, but also to help protect the body against certain diseases. Today we are going to look at the incredible reasns that you should be bananas for bananas!

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Why You Should Be Eating Your Oats!

As a young child you were probably often told by your parents to eat your porridge - and with good reason! Although this is certainly not the favourite breakfast choice of most children, it is a great way to promote optimum health and future-proof your body!

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Should We Be Eating Chocolate?

We are often told that eating chocolate is good for your mood and will help to give you a boost of happiness during a long day. But what is the science behind this claim and is it something that we should all actually be doing?


Furthermore, are there additional health benefits to be gained from eating chocolate beyond improving your mood? There is much conflicting advice on whether we should be eating chocolate regularly, with several well-respected nutritionists on either side of the fence. Keep reading for a breakdown of this information that should help you to make your own mind up!


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Wearable Technology and Orthopedic Outcomes

As discussed in a previous blog post, wearable technology is an amazing way to boost your health and fitness efforts. There are a wide range of different gadgets in existence that can help you to track your exercise by storing data when you wear them during a workout.

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The Health Benefits of Cashew Nuts

Finding healthy foods that you can eat on the go makes the process of sticking to a healthy and nutritious diet so much easier. Many of us know the importance of eating wholesome meals that are free from processed products, however, when it comes to our snacks we often opt for junk foods.

This is usually because it is so much more convenient to eat processed junk foods when we are on the move. Although this might save some time in the moment and satisfy our hunger, it can quickly lead to poor health as these fatty foods wreak havoc in the body. With a little bit of forward planning it is easy to have a range of healthy snacks available to you, and one great food for snacking on the go is the cashew nut!

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Should You Give Kale a Go?

By now you have more than likely heard the hype surrounding kale as an amazingly nutritious food. Many foodies and nutrition gurus have even gone as far as to label kale as a superfood!

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