The Rotator Cuff Muscles

The group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joints are known as the rotator cuff. These muscles are key to keeping the head of the upper arm bone in the shoulder socket.

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Exercise and the Nervous System

The nervous system is responsible for transmitting signals between different parts of the body, and is made up of nerves and cells. Today we are going to take a look at how the nervous system is constructed, and find out how exercise can help to improve the function of this system!

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Antioxidants and Free Radicals

The terms ‘antioxidants’ and ‘free radicals’ are ones that you may have heard more and more in the last few years as the health food industry booms. Although you could be forgiven for assuming that they are just more marketing hype, these are actually two important things to bear in mind when you are striving for optimum health.
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Approaches to Resistance Training

Resistance training is an amazing way to improve your strength and increase your muscle mass. There are many different ways to utilise resistance training to meet your goals. Today we are going to look at a variety of approaches that you can try.
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Exercise Anywhere with Suspension Training!

Not having access to adequate exercise equipment can be a huge barrier to exercise for many people. The high cost of gym memberships can often make it difficult for people to justify the expense, and this can often deter people from getting started with exercise at all!
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The Core Muscles of the Body

When we talk about the core muscles, we often tend to think that this muscle group is solely concerned with the abdominal muscles - or abs as they are usually called. However, the core is actually a complex combination of several different muscles. And, far from just being easy on the eye, a strong core is helpful for stabilising your body!
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Do You Know How Fit You Are?

One of the most universally shared aims when it comes to exercise is simply to get fitter! Being aware of your fitness level is useful if you are currently embarking upon a new fitness regime. This is because it can help you to know where you are starting from, which then allows you to track your progress. It also helps to alert you to any existing concerns with your health that you may have been unaware of. 
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Clean Eating Tips for 2018

The New Year is a time for new beginnings, positive changes and a fresh effort when it comes to your health and wellbeing. If there are things that you have been putting off in regards to your diet and lifestyle, then now is the time to begin instigating these changes!
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Pregnancy and Bone Health

The impact of pregnancy on the health of the bones is something that has been studied and observed for many decades. It has been shown that pregnancy can both be of detriment and of benefit to the bones. This is something that we are going to explore and explain today!
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Quick Tips For Strong Bones

As we discuss frequently at Onto Orthopedics, preserving and building the strength of your bones is key to maintaining your health as you age. Although the health of your bones will be influenced largely by how they develop during adolescence and throughout your 20’s, there are still things that you can do to help your bones stay strong!
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