Healthy New Year’s Resolutions!

2017 is almost upon us and that means that the time to make your New Year’s resolutions is now! A resolution for the New Year is a great way to inspire yourself towards your goals, ambitions and aims for the year ahead. This can be in relation to your health, your happiness, your relationships, your career and more! 
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How to Stay Healthy at Christmas

Christmas is the one time of year when perhaps we can all be forgiven for a bit of over-indulgence. However, come January you may not be thanking yourself for having given up on your diet and exercise regime. With so much temptation all around you, in the form of after-work party drinks and sugary snacks being offered throughout the day, you can begin to feel as though your will-power is really being tested! There is nothing wrong with treating yourself as you celebrate the festivities, but those extra calories and the stress of additional responsibilities can soon add up! 
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Running for Health and Happiness


We all know that regular cardio workouts are great for the body. They help us to lose weight, improve stamina and also to build and strengthen muscles in certain parts of the body!
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Eradicate Stress for a Better You

Stress is an everyday natural occurrence and is something that we all experience from time to time. It is how your body reacts to any changes in your environment or to demands that are being made of you. Stress can be a good or a bad thing dependent on the situation and how much stress your body is under.
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