Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip Replacement Surgery Onto OrthopedicHip replacement surgery is a common orthopedic surgery that you may have heard of but perhaps do not know too much about!
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Fiber Optic Technology and Surgery

As we discuss regularly on the Onto Orthopedics blog, technology is continuing to develop at an incredible rate. The benefits that this brings to patients are fantastic, far-reaching and not to be ignored!

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The History of the X-Ray

The X-ray machine is an absolute staple of modern medicine! It makes the diagnosis of certain conditions possible as well as making several other problems much easier to diagnose than they were in the past. The X-ray was first discovered by a German physicist known as Wilhelm Rontgen in 1895 when he was attempting to pass electrical currents through a glass tube at low pressure. While he was doing this he realised that highly energetic electromagnetic radiation (X-rays) was able to penetrate solid objects. This was a breakthrough that literally immediately transformed the face of medicine. It was the first time that the inside of the body could be seen without having to cut into flesh and it was a discovery that amazed everyone!

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3D Printing and the Future of Orthopedic Medicine


In July of 2014, Dr Vincent Fiere, MD, performed the very first spinal fusion surgery using 3D printed spine cages! This was a breakthrough in the world of orthopedic medicine, and we are going to talk more about it today!

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