Frog Promises Solution to Muscle Atrophy
A new bunch of genes have been researched by the scientists of the University of Queensland. These are known to help the striped burrowing frog prevent muscle wasting during periods of dormancy. Researchers have deduced that these same genes can be extremely beneficial when used in patients who are bedridden and who experience wasting of muscles. They might even help astronauts, the researchers said.
Most times, mammals including humans, experience muscle atrophy, which means that the muscles that are not in use for a long time start degenerating. This is not the case with green striped burrowing frogs which are scientifically known as Cyclorana alboguttata. These frogs hibernate when resources outside are very scarce and thus, can survive by wrapping themselves in a cocoon of shed skin. These frogs suffer very minimal muscle wastage even after long periods of practically zero muscular activity.
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