Pain Management for Orthopedic Patients

Pain is a natural part of life and is something that certainly everyone experiences to some degree from time to time. The pain that goes hand in hand with orthopedic problems can vary widely in severity, and can’t always be managed in the same way.
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Living With Back Pain

Back pain is a problem that unfortunately approximately one in four Americans have experienced. It is not only one of the most common causes of pain, but is also actually among the most popular causes of disability in people aged under 45.

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Exercise for Arthritis!


Arthritis is one of the most common conditions that an orthopedic doctor will come across. It is unfortunately inevitable for a large number of people and, although it can be treated, there is not a definitive cure. Chronic pain is one of the most severe side effects of arthritis and is most often treated with strong painkillers. However, this can actually become a problem in itself as the damage these medications do to the body over time can be significant.
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